Be A Part of Our Dream, of Our Exciting Initiative – an Appeal by Hindu Buddhist Foundation of Canada

Inspired by the “Can do” attitude and the famous North American creed of ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’, we in British Columbia, Canada, like to dream. Six years ago, in 2018, we dreamt of a Community Home in Vancouver where we could gather, discuss community matters, and perform traditional religious rites and community services. It looked like an impossible dream in a city with one of the world’s most expensive real estate and for a community with about 4000 people, most of them new arrivals, struggling to settle into a new life.

Today, the Hindu Buddhist Foundation of Canada (HBFC) stands as a testament to our collective dreams and efforts. What was once a 7,500 square ft. dilapidated property (currently assessed at about 1.486 million dollars), is now a vibrant center for prayers, rituals, senior services, and various community activities. Over 150 people visit the Home every Sunday. Community meetings, life events, ritual services; weddings and memorial services for the deceased are held here. This is all made possible by the generous support of the British Columbia Nepali community. The HBFC and the Community Home is not just a realized dream but a thriving reality, registered with the Canadian Revenue Agency as a charity.

As the demand for HBFC’s services continues to grow, and our vision to develop it as a cultural and spiritual center of the whole of North America remains unfulfilled, the need for expansion becomes increasingly urgent. A property adjacent to our current one has become available at the cost of C$1.6 million. This is a significant step towards our goal, but we need your help to make it a reality.

We want to get that property, which is another big dream, but we believe that with your help, we can do it. We already have received $367,475 pledged, accounting for over 57% of our goal minimum of $650,000. We are approaching you for help and donations.

The expanded property will operate as North America’s Nepali cultural and spiritual center. Besides Hindu and Buddhist icons and prayer halls, the new center will have a well-stocked library with spiritual and religious books mainly with Nepali contents. It will have dedicated meeting rooms and house Nepali arts and crafts.

We urge you to join us in this noble undertaking. Your generous donations will be greatly appreciated and recognized on a Wall of Recognition. Please consider contributing to our common cause and helping us realize our dream of a North American Nepali cultural and spiritual center.

A building plan will be prepared after the property is acquired, and the stakeholders will be consulted before the plan is finalized. Please contact Mr. Madhu Acharya (President: or Dr. Parashar Malla (General Secretary: or any director of HBFC for further details. We are waiting to hear from you and to welcome you to this very rewarding community work.

Hindu Buddhist Foundation of Canada (HBFC) @

Greater Vancouver, British Columbia

Please send your contributions check to : 12351 WinRam Road, Surrey,BC V3V3Y4, CANADA

E-transfer to:

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